As young professionals in Washington DC, there is a good chance that many amongst you are news junkies, the fearless kind of folks who can dissect a Wall Street Journal in minutes like some hungry hunter prepping a rabbit for the pot. While the benefits of keeping a finger securely on the pulse of global going-ons are quite clear, there is certainly also a case that can be made for taking a step back, lest your voracity reward you with a mental stomach-ache. To this end its occasionally nice to peruse the front page (lest you miss something big) and then head right for the comics, because after all isn’t that what the newspaper is really all about?

For this Weekend Under $60, I’d like to prescribe just such a remedy for the mental fatigue of your weekly grind. Starting just south of Dupont Circle at The Front Page Restaurant and Grille, I recommend you kick the evening off right with what has been voted the premier happy hour in Washington DC. After a drink or two migrate on into the dining room for main event.
While the Front Page specializes in the full gamut of American fare, many consider their terrific selection of top-shelf sandwiches and burgers to be the real draw. Priced fairly across the board, the reubenesque Heidenberger and the grilled chicken sandwich stand out from rest of the crowd, but if you are not particularly feeling the sandwich thing, a bowl of the chorizo chili, the herb parmesan encrusted flounder or the baby back ribs are all worth a look.

It was only a four-day work week, but your still tired so this weekend don’t over think it. Check out the front page, check out the comics, its all you really need.
Drinks and Dinner for Two: $50
Two Tickets to Dog Sees God: $10
Total: $60
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