I dislike tourists. I dislike the gangs of wide-eyed, camera-wielding, families that crowd the landmarks of this city. I dislike waiting for 25 minutes at Metro Center to catch a train because it's so full of these tourists and then being held up in line because some tourist is attempting to wave their metro paper ticket over the smart-trip scanner. Perhaps it's for this reason I do not visit traditional "tourist spots" enough. It's been years since I've seen any of the museums, something for which I harbor a good deal of remorse given their cost and accessibility. This week's Weekend Under $100 takes us to one of these traditional "tourist spots," Washington DC's Spy Museum.

Yes, the Spy Museum. I know that perhaps it seems to attract a younger crowd. I know that your little brother/sister loved it. But I can assure you, the Spy Museum's nighttime tour is not designed for pre-teens. In fact, only those 19 and up are actually allowed to attend. This special evening tour of the museum is the regular tour on crack. You step into the role of an intelligence officer and jump into an exciting and fully interactive mission. It is absolutely the best way to enjoy the Spy Museum. For those who haven't been it's a must, for those who have it's a good opportunity to experience a DC monument. For those who have, it is an entirely new experience that is certainly worth the visit. The tour/mission ends in the Spy City Bar where a free drink is included with the ticket price. Personal favorite would be the IRS Raspberry.

With a satisfied belly, head right down the street to the Spy Museum. Enjoy your tour and the gratuitous drink. If you enjoy it enough stick around for another (not gratuitous this time around). I absolutely refuse to end this post in some trite, unfunny, spy reference so with that I leave you to a fantastic weekend.
Directions to Jaleo: Orange/Blue line to Metro Center. Transfer to Red and get off at Gallery Place. Walk one block South.
Directions to Spy Museum: Walk North on 7th St, take a left on F Street.
Jaleo Dinner: $35
Sangria: $20
Spy Museum Ticket: $22
Total: $79 plus tax and tip
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