The lunch break; most fickle of all noon-time meals. Long enough to lure you out of the office, but never quite long enough to allow for a truly satisfying sit-down experience. Time is tight so you go for what's easy. Understandable, but all to often that means greasy, uninspired creations that more resemble cardboard than food. Fear not however, because there is a solution in the form of The Brown Bag.
With four location across the greater Washington area, including two downtown at 818 18th St. and 1099 14th St. respectively, The Brown Bag specializes in high quality lunch fare made fresh and more importantly fast. Since 2002, they have been feeding the city a scrumptious selection of soups, salads, sandwiches and even omelets. All made in-house daily and prepared to order.
As per the name, it's essentially like bringing your favorite lunch stuffs from home - minus the making it yourself part.
Take my word for it, this is good stuff. So next time you're slipping out of the office for a quick bite skip subway and do the Brown Bag thing.
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