Typically, when we recommend a place to eat, we are offering up a name. The name of a restaurant, the name of a bar, however obscure the establishment itself may be, it is at the very least identifiable (and as a result googleable and yelpable too). This time around however, there actually is no name to offer, so a location is pretty much all that you’re going to have to go on.

Yes, every (work)day, just off the intersection of 14th and L Street this anonymous little oasis of savory street-side food can be found providing a terrific lunch to the handful of area workers hip to its existence. The menu is delightfully simple; beef and chicken in spicy and mild varieties, as well as a smattering of no more than 3 or 4 other options. Each is served over rice with a side of kimchi for no more than $8.

…and that’s really all there is to it. It’s simple, quick, and tasty. What more could you ask for?
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